Monday, November 18, 2013

How to Get a Democrat in Office

First I want to say Obama is doing a good job of cleaning up bush’s mess.
It will take more democratic presidents to clean up bushs mess.

It is the republicans who are trying to make Obama look bad.
It is the republicans who are the ones who shut down the government because they dislike Obama care.
The republicans dislike obama care because they fell that money is more important that saving lives.
The republicans also believe in survival of the fittest.
The republicans are liars. The republicans will steal, cheat and deceive.

I Think Hillary Clinton would be grate president because she would raise taxes on the rich republicans(the money they stole from the pore). She would make more laws so republicans get away with less. And she has a lot of experience in foreign policy the more mistakes you make the more experience you have like Babe Ruth. She also would clean up most of bushes mess.

Unfortunately After doing a lot of research and study up on history and looking at the republican and democratic candidates, I found that Hillary Clinton has a slim to zero chance of getting elected to be president.

Age makes a big difference when it comes to politics.
The older the candid is the less chance she/he has to get into office.
This is the history of how age makes a difference

1996 election 47,401,185 for Bill Clinton age 50 and 39,197,469 for Bob Dole age 73
Election difference 8,203,716 age 23

2000 election 50,456,002 for George Walker Bush age 54 and 50,999,897 for Al Gore age 52
Election difference 543,895 age 2 (Bush won because he cheated)

2004 election 62,040,610 for George Walker Bush age 58 and 59,028,444 for John Kerry age 60
Election difference 3,012,166 age 2

2008 election 69,498,516 for Barack Obama age 47 and 59,948,323 for John McCain age 72
Election difference 9,550,193 age 25

2012 election 65,915,796 for Barack Obama age 51 and 60,933,500 for Mitt Romney age 65
Election difference 4,982,296 age 14
Down below
This is a list in a order from top being less likely to bottom more likely to become president with respects to age.
Left is the democratic candidates and right is the republican candidates.

Joe Biden born November 20, 1942 democrat candidate

Hillary Clinton born October 26, 1947 democrat candidate


Jeb Bush born February 11, 1953 republican

Mark Warner born December 15, 1954 democrat candidate

Deval Patrick born July 31, 1956 democrat candidate

Andrew Cuomo born December 6, 1957 democrat candidate

Amy Klobuchar born May 25, 1960 democrat candidate

                                                              Chris Christie born September 6, 1962 republican

                                                           Rand Paul born January 7, 1963 republican

Martin O'Malley born January 18, 1963 democrat candidate


                                                              Scott Walker born November 2, 1967 republican

Cory Booker born April 27, 1969 democrat candidate

                                                          Paul Davis Ryan born January 29, 1970 republican

                                                           Ted Cruz born December 22, 1970 republican

                                                             Marco Rubio born May 28, 1971 republican

A another thing to consider is religion.
Catholic Church, 68,503,456 members The
Southern Baptist Convention, 16,160,088 members The
United Methodist Church, 7,774,931 members
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 6,058,907 members The
Church of God in Christ, 5,499,875 members

Amy Klobuchar born May 25, 1960 Religion Congregationalism
                 Scott Walker born November 2, 1967 R Religion Non-denominational, evangelical Christianity
Mark Warner born December 15, 1954 Religion Presbyterian
Deval Patrick born July 31, 1956 Religion Presbyterian
                  Rand Paul born January 7, 1963 R Religion Presbyterian
Hillary Clinton born October 26, 1947 Religion Methodism
Cory Booker born April 27, 1969 Religion Baptist[1]
                 Ted Cruz born December 22, 1970 R Religion
Southern Baptist
Joe Biden born November 20, 1942 Religion Roman Catholicism
                 Jeb Bush born February 11, 1953 R Religion Roman Catholicism
Andrew Cuomo born December 6, 1957 Religion Roman Catholic
                 Chris James Christie born September 6, 1962 R Religion Roman Catholic
Martin O'Malley born January 18, 1963 Religion Roman Catholic
                 Paul Davis Ryan born January 29, 1970 R Religion Roman Catholic
                 Marco Rubio born May 28, 1971 R Religion Roman Catholic

If Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton was the final candidates for presidency, It would be to risky.
Bush would get the catholic vote. Bush is younger then Hillary. And Bush is a cheater.
If bush becomes president, there no telling how much debt America can go into. No telling how many buildings will go down. And no telling how dictators with oil get the blame for the American buildings that gone down. Jeb Bush is dumber than George W Bush. There’s no way we can afford Jeb Bush’s priceless mess. A vicious cycle we cant have.

Cory Booker, Andrew Cuomo, and Martin O'Malley would be the best democratic candidates against the evil republicans.
Both Andrew Cuomo, and Martin O'Malley can defeat Jeb bush. Both are younger than Jeb bush. And the Catholics are split in the decision on voting the candidates.
Martin O'Malley is the only democratic candidate to be Catholic and younger than Chris Christie who is Catholic.
We need another democratic president. Martin O'Malley needs our vote.

democratic flyer to hand out to door to door.
Each printed paper contains four flyers.
Another democratic flyer with only democatic candidates.

also the republicans own the news. the news loves to make obama look bad.
the news is makeing people think that people dislike obama.
The news also trying to sabotage the democratic primaries by get the people to vote for the two least likely candidates to win against the republican candidate.

It's simple the rich are for the republicans and they can own all of the news.

If you want a woman president then vote for Amy Klobuchar instead of Hillary Clinton
If you want a black president thaen vote for Cory Booker instead of Deval Patrick
if you want a good chance to have a democratic president than vote for Martin O'Malley
if you want an evan beter chance get the republicans to not vote for Chris Christie.
Chris Christie pretends to be for the democrats. he is a brown noser.   
Chris Christie is not a democrat. he is a republican. This how dictators are formed.
This means Chris Christie would get the democatic and the catholic vote and become a big dictator if he wins.
we also don't want Jeb Bush. The bushs will cheat at all means. and he would get the catholic vote.
we want the republican to vote for Rand Paul because he is older than
Martin O'Malley and Cory Booker. and Rand Paul would not get much catholic votes because he is not catholic.